


Crochet the most popular anime characters!

If Childhood memory or support in all situations: Anime are more popular than ever.

In this book you will find them 20 most famous and popular Anime characters from film and television as great amigurumis for crocheting.

The size of the crochet figures and the material you need are included in the instructions. With detailed instructions and basics, these cute figures can be made by both beginners and professionals. Let’s go!

There is something for everyone here: Anime heroes and idols such as the airbender Aang from Avatar, the dragon Kohaku from Spirited Away or Sailor Moon as wonderful Amigrurumis to crochet yourself, collect and give away.

Look forward to:

  • Unique blend of Characters from various anime films and series for crocheting.
  • Simple Instructions that are also suitable for beginners.
  • characters Studio Ghibli films , Avatar – The Lord of the Elements , Sailor Moon and many other well-known series and films.

    Source: Topp Kreativ

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